All in

We have all heard the term ‘ I’m All in’ , or ‘All In’ on a plan, ‘All In” on that vacation or the iconic one, ‘I’m All in’, in a poker game. It’s great to be ‘All in!’ What if we decided to be ‘All in’ on Life? What if we decided to let go and be “All In”, on the design and journey of our life?
Have you ever once heard someone say “no sorry, I am only half in?” What if someone gave up halfway in running race and said, “I’m done, I was only half in?” It’s hard to believe that most of us do that in our lives. We give up halfway through on so many things. I bet each and everyone of us could come up in a blink of an eye with a half way or two. I know I can come up with 25 in a blink of my eye.
We go through our daily routines planning every single thing. We plan our schedules, our meals, some of us plan our kids extra curricular activities, birthdays, holidays, child birth, our workouts, lunch with friends, pretty much you name it we plan it, right?
Could you imagine just letting go and giving each day up to the fact our day is pre-planned? Knowing it’s what we make of the path provided and let go. Could you imagine not worrying, and say no-big-deal to everything because it’s already designed for you?
Have you ever thought about those times when it didn’t work out? You got stopped in traffic, maybe you avoided an accident? You got a last minute phone call that prevented you from making a really bad decision. Your child was sick at home so you avoided a disaster, because you had to stay home that day. Do you think you were in charge?
What if we were all in, in our relationships? Could you imagine being completely always present and all in, in a conversation?
I like to think it’s the moments that saved us, might be the moments that made us. So what about all in, and giving it all up to the “Almighty?” Throwing in the towel and really listening to what lies before you. What if we really peeled back the layers and gave in to those many, moments that saved us and gave all up and said, “I'm “ALL In?”
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